eBECAS Version 8121 released September 7, 2011 – this is a significant release

1. Homestay payment period – The display of the period for the scheduled homestay payment was not displaying correctly. fixed.

2. Enrolment search – The Academic Enrolment search (Screen 1.4) Student Custom Fields search was not filtering correctly. fixed.

3. VSN export – The batch files now output a file even when no student enrolment is listed as requested by VSR.

4. OSHC Insurance type Dual added – We have added the OSHC insurance type Dual to the insurance specification and export for Mondial OSHC Worldcare.

5. New group bookmark for Enrolment fees – The Statement of Account for enrolment/s listing all transactions, now include the facility to list all the fee transactions for a selected group of enrolments. When enrolments are grouped, and one enrolment highlighted, the new template bookmarks (nett and gross) list all the fee transactions for all the enrolments in the group. GRID_GN1 (Group Nett 1), GRID_GN2, GRID_GN3, GRID_GG1 (Group Gross 1), GRID_GG2, GRID_GG3. We also provide totals for the Grouped fees G_GROSS_TOTAL, G_RECEIPT_TOTAL, G_RECEIPT_TOTAL, G_CREDIT_TOTAL and G_BALANCE.

6. New academic class bulk bookmark – A bulk template can be used to print and display the members of each selected academic class for marking attendance. The new table bookmark is AC_STUDENT_2 and lists student number, student name and class attendance.

7. New Avetmiss / VSN registration key – For Australian Academic VET providers, a registration key is now needed to access and update the AVETMISS and VSN data and to file returns.

eBECAS Version 8110 released August 12, 2011 – this is a significant release

1. Export Invoices to MYOB – We have added support for the export of Invoices for Student and Agents to eBECAS. Please see here.

2. Invoices Aged Due Report – We have added a new report eBECAS – Reports – Finance – Invoices – Invoices Aged Due Report.

eBECAS Version 8100 released August 2, 2011 – this is a significant release

1. VSN support – Added the support for the Victorian Student Number for students studying a VET course in Victoria and who are under 25 years old as of January 2011. Please see here.

2. Passport Details – added to the passport details, for a student: Passport type, passport number, nationality, place of birth, date of issue, date of expiry.

3. Agent Counsellor – added display of agent counsellor name and email address for the enrolment and offer.

4. Display of Grids significant speed improvement

eBECAS Version 8090 internal release

eBECAS Version 8080 released June 17, 2011 – this is a minor release

1. Language Result Report – There was a bug in the Ms Excel export where the class name was not completely exporting correctly. This has been fixed.

2. Student Enrolment Report – There was a bug in the Ms Excel export where the the class name was not completely exporting correctly. This has been fixed.

eBECAS Version 8070 released June 6, 2011 – this is a minor release

1. Certificate awarded – added for Language Enrolments.

eBECAS Version 8060 – this is an internal release

eBECAS Version 8052 released April 19, 2011 – this is a significant release

1. Adding new Fee – bug fixed in applying gst to the new fee.

2. Agent search by category – bug fixed in agent search by category/s.

3. Security / Roles re-mapped – added option to separately display configuration and setup.

5. Agent search by category – bug fixed in agent search by category/s.

6. Added new report Language Result Export– with pre-arrival test details, pathways, student and enrolment custom fields, all language result custom fields, codes and references.

7. Added to Offered Courses Report Export– added to export pre-arrival test details and pathways.

8. Amended Academic Classes Bulk Merge– Added academic class dates and classroom to bookmark ac_schedule_2

9. Web portal – enabled teacher marking of attendance for any class

10. New – Assign offer to marketing staff member/user for follow up – each offer can now be assigned to a marketing staff member. Offer search (Screen 1.6) can be filtered by marketing staff. Offer reports – Offered Course (12.006), Offers by item (12.008) and Offer Conversion (12.009) can be grouped and filtered by marketing staff member.

eBECAS Version 8040 – this is an internal release

Preparing for the support of Victorian Student Numbering and Returns

eBECAS Version 8030 released April 5, 2011 – this is a minor release

1. Language Result export – Export of Language Results by Result type, for period. Student Enrolments – Language Results including pathway details.

2. Student Enrolment detail export – includes Visa number.

3. New user option to Accept offer – each user can now be specified if they can accept an offer.

4. Language Class search – Room capacity has been added as an option to the Language Class search – 4.7

5. Academic Classes – Date period display updated to display date without time

6. Avetmiss Export – New fields added for Victoria

eBECAS Version 8020 released February 11, 2011 – this is a minor release

1. eBECAS various minor bug fixes

2. Academic Results – Posting results by class and via the students screen now have the facility to enter a comment with result.

eBECAS Version 8010 released February 4, 2011 – this is a significant release

1. eBECAS various minor bug fixes

2. Work Placement – Addition of placement custom fields and student custom fields in search screen 7.3

eBECAS Version 8000 released December 29, 2010 – this is a major release

1. eBECAS version 8 uses new faster database – eBECAS has a significant speed increase. Detailed instructions have been sent to you with the update.

2. eBECAS version 8 new “skin” look and feel change

3. Pre-enrolment Test Result – The student details include pre-arrival test results including test type, score and date. See here.

4. Enhanced Pathway tracking – we have further enhanced pathway tracking where English Results screen displays the pathway objectives, and each English Result includes the field meeting pathway plan, and is updated on the student details pathway field.