eBECAS User Guide
Of special note for Language Schools – eBECAS supports weekly starters and weekly results for progression through classes for the period of the enrolment with marking of attendance for assigned classes by day and time.
VET RTO support includes CRICOS, Avetmiss, TCSI, VSL and RAPT submissions for all States and NCVER.
eBECAS support allocation of students to physical or online classes and attendance, results and comments can be entered in eBECAS or the companion Teacher portal.
Current Features
eBECAS meets these CRICOS (Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students) requirements for compliance for overseas students in Australia.
Student Details include address, diary contacts, email, sms, Agent, Visa, CoE, USI, Avetmiss & RAPT, photo, work placements, insurance, enrolment details, classes, fees, accommodation etc
Entering Company/s, Campus Locations, Fees, Courses with prices, Language Sessions for Classes, VET subjects for courses, Countries, Agents with commission arrangements, Homestay and accommodation providers
eBECAS continuously keeps up to date with the CRICOS and ESOS regulations. eBECAS enables your College to load payments by COE into Prisms and update student address details.
eBECAS now enables the management of the SSVF (Streamlined Student Visa Framework) process with GTE (Genuine Temporary Entrant support) monitoring.
Load Visa & COE details from Prisms in eBECAS for analysis by Country, Agent & Visa Issuing Post and update Prisms in bulk with address detail changes & payments into the special account by eCoE.
Pathways enter Student Pathway interest and monitor pathway application status, communication and progress.
Flywire should only be used by Colleges when requesting the student payment from an overseas bank account.
Online Classes can now be created with the ability to allocate students across multiple locations.
eBECAS Process Flow
Tour group offers and enrollments with one invoice for all students in the group. Students may undertake an enrollments as a part of a group on a study tour
Homestay requests, accommodation provider management and categories, finding availability by date, bed type and family categories, placements, airport requests
Ebecas integrates with services to send a single email for a student, accommodation provider or agent with a single merged attachment or in bulk with Mailchimp/ Mandrill.
Course offers, salesperson, agent, follow up management by offer date, accommodation request, airport transfer date, course start date. installment plan specification
Agent address, diary, commission rates, documents, list of all students sent by the agency, employees, agent account and scheduled payments of gross payments
Admission workflow from offer to acceptance, offer cancellation, enrolment changes – extensions, shorten, change start date and cancellations
eBECAS integrates with SMS services to send SMS messages to phones individually or in bulk using simple SMS templates
Documents, Microsoft Word templates and files can be stored using EIT’s Amazon Document Storage for your College.
Surveys can be defined and sent to students from within eBECAS. Surveys are answered in the students portal by students
Portals for Smart Phones, Computers & Tablet Access
Students can see their timetables, Fees, Result outcomes, attendance, College news, messages and enter surveys on their phone, tablet or computer browser
Teachers can see their timetables, classes and students and enter absences, diary comments and results on their phone, tablet or computer browser
VET Colleges

VET Classing
Allocate VET enrolments to class by subject including day, time, rooms and teachers for any week, enter absence and assessments by class, students and teachers can see their timetable using the teacher and student portal; VET outcomes can be entered by class or cohort in bulk updating AVETMISS details.
Language Colleges
Student class allocation change weekly or at any time with the change in student level attained. Allocate students to class by day, time, rooms & teachers for any week and allocate classes in future.

This section enables staff to enter progressive results and formatted final test scores by student. Language Results enter Language assessments and print certificates in bulk and individually
There is a new feature where eBECAS provides the display of results by Language Class with results, and enables the change of class allocation with this display
A student enrolment can have a Language Class level specified. This assists with the filtering and allocation of students to the appropriate Language class